Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Next New

A new type of media that I think would be great to see is one where people will be given avatars that will show up where they are and you will have the capability of meeting people in this way.  Let me explain.  Each person who signs up will have an avatar that looks just like them.  When you log into your account you will see a 3D version of the exact area you are in, like in google maps, and will be able to walk around.  When you walk around you will be able to see the active users in your area and be able to interact with their avatars.  This can be used as a social app and even for dating.  Of course advertisers will be able to put up virtual billboards and stands that the avatars can visit in the map.

Wiki So Far

The contributions I have made to our class Wiki have been to the Marketing sections.  I first wrote about the Old Spice marketing campaign in the last few years, explaining what they have done to change the image of their brand and target a new host of consumers, women.  I then added to the section which gave example of failed marketing campaigns, by adding New Coke.


In its simplest form, P2P is a connection between two or more users without the use of a separate server.  In other words this is a way for these users to connect, share, and impact a shared data. P2P is basically a file sharing device, probably used most of the time to distribute content such as films or music such as "The Dark Knight", which struggled with the battle of illegal content (Digital Pirates Winning Battle with Studios).  P2P was also used by such programs such a Napster and Pirate Bay.  

Monday, April 17, 2017


Who among us has not seen some kind of report of how we are constantly being followed.  These days, due to social media, people are giving their future bosses, friends, spouses, the government, and basically anyone in the world a look into their private lives.  As a former detective for the Military Police in the IDF I can say that we too used this information.  I would personally look into the social media of every person I was to interrogate and legally receive information about them that would later on be vital to persecuting them.  It is shocking how people share even illegal things on their social media accounts.  For this same reason I myself block the view of my social media accounts to everyone but my friends, as I am not interested in having the world take a look at me.  Regardless of how much work we can put into remaining private through social media it is very difficult to remain that way, and there is really no reason to further explain.  With this amazing tool we have access to as marketers who can use new media to obtain all the information we can about our consumers, down to who they are, where they are, and what they like, we can also fail to remain private as consumers.


Baruch is somewhat connected via new media, whether it be Facebook or Instagram pages they have created, but I would still have some advice to give them.  First of all, as someone who has followed and decided to unfollow almost every form of Baruch new media, keep it entertaining.  The rare posts put up by any of the offices and even of different classes on Facebook really did not pull me in to their pages.  I could see that they weren't obtaining too many likes and were not getting their message across.  Baruch's social media should revolve around getting information to the students which will definitely not be obtained via email or their website.  This is because young students don't care about a weekly newsletter provided by Baruch.  If they focused more on giving out quick information that could be useful to their students then more students would actually follow and remain involved with them.  Furthermore, through likes and shares, more students would actually see these posts.  So if they just focus more on quick and easy information that students will actually want they will make good use of new media.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Creativity and New Media

A little while back I decided to make my saltwater reefing addiction into my work.  I never actually ended up doing that but my first step was to imitate what I saw as new media by the big reefing companies such as Bulk Reef Supply and Marine Depot and create a Youtube channel.  My goal on this channel was to do some product reviews and share some things I learned along the way while participating in this hobby.  I figured since I did not yet have the resources to actually create a store I could begin with this channel, accumulate some followers, and then use these videos to promote my own company.  The truth is I never took it completely seriously and it can be seen on the videos.  Here is a link to my most popular product review, of a fan you can use to cool the aquarium during the warm summer days.  Surprisingly without any other promotion and without a popular page I did reach around 3,000 views, which compared to other product reviews on Youtube for this same product is very high, making it one of the most viewed ones.  I achieved this by thinking like a consumer.  When I was researching this product myself I went to youtube for advice, only to find a few short clips that didn't help much.  I made a list of what I would have wanted to know prior to purchasing this product and used that list to make the most informative video possible.  Enjoy!

Thursday, March 23, 2017


In today's society we have a limitless amount of information that we can access.  We can do whatever we want and however we like it in regards to how creative we can be with information and the tools that come with it.  Anyone can open up a computer, pick up a camera, or even turn on their phone and create whatever they like with or without background knowledge.  This is how new media helps foster creativity.  With the access we have to this new media, and everything we can either learn from it or teach others, we are now able to generate whatever we want.  Twitter, which caught onto this early on in the game, lets the consumers be the creative types instead of dictating what creativity is.  We no longer have to just look at a magazine or read the newspaper to be told what's new and whats creative and how we should be.  These days we can each just create our own lifestyle, whether it be the things we wear or the things we produce, and using new media like social media we can get it to the world.  Seeing that we have these options makes others want to be creative as well.  Knowing that these days their creations can be seen by everyone with just a few clicks leads many to get out there and create the products and trends of tomorrow.